
Connect, organize and get things done with Outlook email and calendar.

Outlook- Course Objectives

This course is designed to familiarise the inexperienced user with the basic concepts of Outlook e-mail and scheduling application.  The day will cover all the basic principles of e-mail, e.g. composing, addressing, filing and deleting messages.  The course examines maintaining contacts, keeping appointments and organising meetings.  You will learn about assigning tasks, keeping a journal (both manually and automatically) and using Outlook to make notes.

Outlook- Course Contents

Getting Started                           

Familiarization with the Outlook screen; Ribbon, menus, Navigation Pane and Folders.

Email Messages                          

The Inbox. Composing and sending messages; addressing messages; reading email; replying to messages; assigning levels of importance; adding attachments;  printing and deleting messages.  Using views with messages to sort and find particular items. Tracking a message, delivery receipts. Automatic replies, Out of Office assistant.


Creating and using contacts; assigning categories to contacts and amending contacts’ details; sending messages to contacts. Categorizing and searching contacts.


Entering and amending appointments and events.

Planning and scheduling meetings. Sharing calendars. Creating tasks.


Creating, customizing and managing Quicksteps.


Using Archiving and auto archiving to backup older items.


Creating and modifying simple rules. Using the Rules Wizard.

Outlook- Course Details         

This is a one day company specific course running from 9:30 am – 4:00 pm. Courses run in Swansea, on-site and online. Please email for further information.


Attendees will gain the maximum benefit if they have used a laptop.


Computeraid certificate of achievement.


The more you learn, the more you earn

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