Introduction to Project

Learn the essentials of project management with this Introduction to Project course.

Introduction to Project Course Objectives

This two day course is designed to equip the new user with the basic concepts of Microsoft Project.  The user is taken through every stage of project creation and set-up, including input of task data, precedence relationships, setting constraints, inputting resources, using calendars, printing and managing the overall progress of the project.

The second day of the course builds on concepts detailed in day 1, covering critical tasks and slack time, resolving resource over-allocations, keeping track of the project and managing several projects simultaneously.

  Introduction to Project – Course Contents

Getting Started

Screen familiarisation. Getting help.

Project Information

Setting the start date and creating a base calendar.

Input of Task Data

Inputting task names and their duration using Gantt entry view.


Creating a resource list and assigning resources to tasks.


Printing the project using different views.

Precedence Relationships

Specifying predecessors and the form of relationship.

Setting Constraints

‘As soon as possible’, ‘as late as possible’, ‘must start on’’, etc.

Lead and Lag

Overlapping and delaying tasks using lead and lag.


Assigning fixed and variable costs.


Modifying base calendars; specifying working and non-working days and the length of the working day.  Using resource calendars.

Managing the Project

Tables and filters, displaying free slack, setting the plan, entering actual information, comparing planned, scheduled and actual details.

Project Day 2


A brief recap on topics covered on day one.

Critical Tasks

How to identify, filter and sort a critical path.

Slack Time

Identifying slack time and how to change the default slack time.

Splitting a task

If a resource is delayed or a task held up and how to split a task.

Resource Over-allocation

How to resolve resource over-allocation, both manually and by using levelling.

Keeping Track

More ways to keep track of your project, including baseline plans, interim plans, using the tracking toolbar and updating actual work daily.

Multiple Projects

How to manage several projects simultaneously, including consolidating projects and linking tasks between projects.

Project Templates

Creating a base project with tasks and resources that are used on a regular basis, as a template for future projects.


 Introduction to Project Course Details         

This is a two-day course running from 9:30 am – 4:00 pm. Courses run in Swansea and onsite.


To gain maximum benefit from this course the delegate should be familiar with using a PC and be able to use a mouse.


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Available Tickets: 100

Training is hands-on and tutor-led. We provide a comprehensive training manual and certification. This course can be run as a company specific option.

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